Page Name games

Page Title Spin the Wheel Game

Meta Description User can earn some free bids using SPIN THE WHEEL Game.

Meta Keywords


ProPennyAuction software comes with with SPIN THE WHEEL Game, it include some features.
  1. When user register he will get 1 SPIN in his account (NO free bids)
  2. User can SPIN WHEEL to get free bids it can be from 0 - 10 OR free SPIN
  3. Another type of balance will be added in user account named "SPIN CREDITS"
  4. Optional - User will get 1 spin in 24 hours of time for example if your spin credits are 0 then in 24 hours of time you will get 1 free spin, free spin only credited if your balance is 0
  5. If you have any questions conact us